As I stood at that junction,
at that fork in the road,
there right before me
sat an enormous pink toad.
I had been there before,
I was sure that I had
but how could that happen?
Maybe my memory was bad
But then something strange happened...
that toad turned its gnarled head,
looked into my eyes
and croakily said:
“What will you do?
Which way will you go?
I’ve been sat here for a while
and I’m struggling to know.
How should I choose?
When I don't know the way.
perhaps it doesn’t matter
at the end of the day.
The thing is you see,
my eyesight ain’t great.
Yet the pathway I choose
will determine my fate.
So what should I do?
Have you chosen yet?
Shall we just both toss a coin?
Is that perhaps the best bet?”
Well, I stared for a moment,
obviously quite taken aback,
yet really not knowing
the right answer to that.
It was quite some surprise
to be asked for advice,
by a toad who is pink,
yet so terribly nice!
But give toady it's dues,
for I was in the same plight.
Despite being quite different
that creature was absolutely right.
And so I took a deep breath,
and I turned to that toad,
and here's what I said,
at that fork in the road:
“Well well fellow traveller,
nice to meet you today,
but I’m afraid I don’t know either,
which way to go I can’t say.
But it isn’t your eyesight,
cause neither of us can see,
far enough down those roads
to know which the right choice will be."
Now, you just won’t believe me
(but this is no word of a lie),
a crow then swooped in to join us,
quite astonished, I stifled a cry.
Silence fell,
then that crow opened it’s beak
it had come to advise us,
these words he did speak:
"Please try not to worry,
nor feel confused or dismayed,
it’s only YOU who can work out,
which decision should be made.”
Toad started to protest,
(as that was precisely the point)
But I said “Please let crow finish,
let’s not put it’s beak out of joint."
And what crow proceeded to say
I shall never forget,
a message of such great importance,
it’s one that everyone should get.
“Life…” crow said ‘ “…is magikal.
Of course its full of mystery too.
You must be intelligent & flexible,
and GROW your way through.
During all of our lives,
There are many lessons to learn,
but if you don’t understand that,
the same issues in different disguises return.
You’ll stay stuck on repeat,
just think its bad luck,
until you have understood this....’s you keeping you stuck.
So, what you must do now,
is each reflect on your life,
What has been troubling you?
causing the stress and the strife?
Working that out
is how you will know,
why you are here
and which way you should go."
And then just like that,
mission accomplished for the day,
crow wished us good luck,
then flew up and away.....
The End

( "Life Tales” by JL Iddon)